Gospel Geeks

10 Misconceptions About Jesus: #5 –Jesus was pierced through His hands

In Ten Misconceptions About Jesus #4, we learned that although both the Bible and tradition tells us that Jesus was a carpenter, the word teknon has a larger semantic range than our word ‘carpenter.’ It’s not actually clear what He did during his twenty year working career.


Here is misconception number #5:

During the crucifixion, Jesus was pierced through His hands.

I have been in Museums in Germany, France, Spain, Scotland, and, of course, the United States. One thing is consistent: in all of the depictions of the crucifixion, Jesus’ palms were always pierced and nailed to the upper crossbeam.

This is quite natural since the text even mentions Jesus’ pierced hands. In John 20 Thomas makes his famous statement:

“If I don’t see the mark of the nails in His hands, put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will never believe!”” John 20:25 CSB

Jesus, Himself, said this of His own appearance:

“Look at My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself! Touch Me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” Having said this, He showed them His hands and feet.” Luke 24:39-40 CSB

What am I suggesting as an alternative?


He was pierced through His wrists, not His palms.

Here is the evidence:

First, there is a translation difficulty. The word xeiros, which we translate to ‘hand’ has a wider semantic range. Moreover, not all cultures divide anatomy the same way. Both Matthew and Luke use the word xeiros to describe the use of not just the hands, but the arms as well. In both cases it refers to angels lifting up the Son of Man.

“…for it is written, ‘He will give His angels charge concerning You’; and ‘On their hands they will bear You up, Lest You strike Your foot against a stone” Matthew 4:6 NAS

And the parallel account from Luke:

“…and, ‘On their hands they will bear You up, Lest You strike Your foot against a stone.'”” Luke 4:11 NAS

Although we translate xeiros as hand, it does include the wrists, and sometimes the forearms. Therefore, we could just as easily translate Luke 24:39 like this:

“Look at My wrists and My feet” Luke 24:39

The second piece of evidence is anatomical. The bones and tendons of the hand simply do not have the strength to hold the weight of the body without the nail ripping through. The easiest and strongest place to hammer a nail is through the wrist, between the ulna and radius bones.


The third piece of evidence comes from pure pragmatism. According to Quintus Curtius Rufus, a Roman historian of the 1st Century, Alexander the Great once had 2,000 men crucified. It was common in the ancient world to crucify many people at one time. It is unlikely that the soldier would take the time to create some of the more decorative ideas to support the palm piercing.

Why would a soldier take the time to wrap each hand in order to pierce the anatomically weak palm?

Why would a soldier take the time to create a seat to help support the body weight, so that the nails would not rip through the weak tendons and bones of the hand?

No, they would have crucified people as quickly and easily as possible. That fastest way was to use three nails: one in each wrist, and one through the ankle. All it took was a few strikes with a hammer, and it was done. No extras were needed.

The Bible Miniseries

Nonetheless, some still support the traditional view.

Here are three arguments that the palms could have been used:

First, the soldiers could have tied or wrapped Jesus’ wrists to the cross beam, and then nailed His palms. This would have successfully alleviated the weight.

But why nail the palms in the first place? To cause pain?

Then why not nail other random areas as well?

In situations like this, pragmatism rules. I work under the assumption that when dealing with multiple criminals, soldiers are going to get the job done the quickest and the most efficient way. Three nails and they’re done. There’s no need for wraps.

Second, Dr. Fred Zugibe’s work The Crucifixion of Jesus: A Forensic Inquiry suggests that if the nail was driven through the palm at an angle, through some of the more meaty portions of the hand, it may have been able to support the body weight needed. I agree, except that, in order to breathe, a criminal would have to do an occasional pull up. That places more weight on the palm, which would be unlikely to hold. This would work if the criminal were not struggling.

Check out this affiliate link to Dr. Fred Zugibe’s book:

Third, a National Geographic Episode entitled Quest for Truth: Crucifixion, proves that a person’s palms can withstand the weight of the ordeal if a seat is provided at the bottom of the cross. I agree that it is possible, but unlikely.

Why would the soldiers build a seat when they could just nail the wrists?

Furthermore, the seats do not solve the pull up problem. Once again, this works for a calm, unmoving person, but not for someone gasping for air and desperately trying to do a pull up.

We’ll never know actually what happened, but the evidence suggests that the wrists were used rather than the palms.

10 Misconceptions about Jesus #1: Jesus’ appearance
10 Misconceptions about Jesus #2: Jesus is the same as He was
10 Misconceptions about Jesus #3: Jesus would never judge anyone
10 Misconceptions about Jesus #4: Jesus was a carpenter
10 Misconceptions about Jesus #5: Jesus was pierced through His hands

55 thoughts on “10 Misconceptions About Jesus: #5 –Jesus was pierced through His hands”

  1. The Shroud of Turin has a better answer! AND I CARE NOT IF THE SHROUD IS A LIE OR NOT IT STILL HAS A BETTER ANSWER!!! 1st GOD knows all & you do not! You web page is full of assumptions. I AM ONLY GOING TO SAY THIS ONCE & PRAY YOU ARE NOT (LIKE SO MANY OTHER HUMANS) GOING TO BE STUBBORN ABOUT YOU ‘ASSUMPTIONS’!
    It is possible to nail a large man to the cross just as the old Testament & the New Testament proclaims! IF you nail through the middle of the HANDS PALM HEEL. God knows all & the human hand has a BONE GROMMET designed as if just for the job of crucifixion thru the middle of the 8-carpal bones of the hands palm heel!!!
    If you are a true Christian then you will get a clue from the evidence that supports this which is the anatomy of the human hand and the ring of bones of the 8-carpal bones of the HEEL OF THE HAND & NOT THRU THE FLESHY PALM as evidenced in the image of the hands in the Shroud of Turin. OK now it is for you to decide to accept this anatomical evidence of the ring of bones of the heel of the HAND or continue to “TRY” and fudge a story that you hope helps others or continue to make up stories of Jesus having to be nailed thru the wrists (LIE). Please do not email me…let this better answer work in you human mind that has made many mistakes before and wonder why you ignore Psalm 118:8 & 9 to buy into assumptions from feeble minds of men.

    1. So someone isnt a Christian if they believe that Jesus was nailed to the cross through the wrists? You then cite the shroud of turin as your source? Please.

      This is just one of those things that are fun to talk about or debate, but has no bearing on our faith. What does have bearing is that Jesus was nailed to a cross because of our sins, then three days later rose from the grave.

      And by the way, your answer is not any better.

      1. This ISN’T a matter of “fun” talk. It’s about correct interpretation. There ARE words used for both hand(cero) and wrist(carpo) in the Greek language. Thomas wanted to see Jesus hands not his wrists. Jesus, on the seashore in his post-resurrection appearance told his bewildered disciples to look at his hands(not wrists) and his side.
        The liberal view that one can exchange words at their will to try and win an argument in not only eisegesis but very poor exegesis !
        Rick Woolery

      2. There are so many different opinions on how Jesus died on the cross, but we all put our energy and passion into interpretating this. Jesus died for our sins not to interpret how he died, but what he died for. We were not there so we will not know exactly where those nails were placed, but Jesus didn’t want us to focus on the nails or his Crucifixion but the very reason he was being crucified for. He wanted us to follow him , he wanted us to be saved, it’s not about interpretating because we weren’t there, it’s about the message Jesus was giving us, he endured the pain not for us to boast about it but to forgive one another for their sins, to love each other, to follow him , for the way he died doesn’t matter but what he died for is what we are all so grateful for.

        1. the reason specifics can matter is because a skeptic, who wants to know the real truth, is hopefully going to do actual research and not just focus on the main point of the story. how can we believe in the bible for truth and not just wanting it to be real, if we find inconsistencies and have questions? the answers we find can be faith-building. i have read many opinions, and have concluded that i dont know anatomy myself well enough to make a full conclusion- but it has been faith-building to discover that it is POSSIBLE to drive a nail through the hand in such a way that his weight is held well. i agree, i dont need to argue over exactly how he was nailed to the cross, but to discourage someone from investigating is just going to push them away from Jesus. when i have questions, i search until i have enough room to say its all indeed possible, and i come closer to feeling absolutely confident in what jesus told us and what things he did. my unbelief comes from years of people drilling into me that its only a fairytale, and its huge for me to see through actual research that its all possible.

        2. Shawn, You might want to get a hold of a King James Bible and get a hold of the truth. When I read the account of the crucifixion it list a lot of details which was prophesied in the Old Testament. Every detail was fulfilled as it was written. You said, “the way he died doesn’t matter.” I think you are the one that missed the point for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

          Acts 1:3 says, To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many “infallible proofs”, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.

          Your words are nothing more than opinion, while God’s word is FACT.

          Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2:15

          1. I think he meant the way Jesus died as in “through the wrists or through the palms.” But yes, prophecy is important. Pierced for our transgressions – somewhere in Isaiah 53. But yeah, it really doesn’t matter where. This is a relatively unimportant distinction, and quarreling about it is pointless. We need to be focusing on the fact that He DID die for our sins. And the fact that he was resurrected! Thus the righteousness of Christ is bestowed upon us, if we only put our faith and trust in Him alone (our path to heaven!) This is the fantastic work of Christ we should be talking about, not “through the wrists or through the palms.” However interesting, but NOT worth getting upset or arguing over.

    2. The Shroud does show he was nailed threw the wrist because his thumbs are curled inward. This is caused by hitting the nerve that goes to your funny bone.

    3. I have read through many mystics that rope was used on the wrists and the nails were in the palms. The reason I believe that the nails were in the palms of his hands is because of the stigmata. Every person given the gift of the stigmata has the 5 wounds and the wounds are in the palm of their hands. Considering it comes right from Jesus himself how can anyone doubt it? If the nails were in the wrists then the stigmata would appear in the wrists of the people the Lord chose to give it to. It’s common sense. Science is not always right and the shroud may show excessive blood stains on the wrist but to me that’s how tight the ropes were on his wrists and the flow of blood is a lot more (that’s what people do when they want to kill themselves, they slice their wrists) so the blood flow would be more and the ropes would make it appear larger on the cloth as an imprint. I beg to differ when it comes to how fast they wanted them to die, I think they did all of that so that it would be a more slow and painful death. He actually hung for 9 hours until He expired. If the wrists were punctured He would have died a lot sooner. Especially being out in heat that’s why when people slice their wrists they go in a hot bathtub to get it over with faster…..I know I tried it but never broke the skin. So I basically go by the stigmata. To me the shroud shows the thickness of the rope on the wrists more than just a nail mark.

    4. You are truly imprudent and a fool to have to say for someone to be a “true Christian” they must believe what you assume is right or is fact in general, that is not the interpretation of how a follower should act. You are doing exactly the opposite, correction(assuming you feel you are correct). Why argue over the Grey areas the Bible speaks of? What matters more, that he was pierced through hands or wrist? or that he died for all of us crucified on the cross and rose 3 days later? Am I not a follower because I trim my beard and someone else choose not to touch it? Or I eat meat that is considered unholy and someone else doesn’t? Am I not a true Christian because both sides have good points? No because we spend too much time bickering over Grey areas instead of focusing on the black and white, wake up and understand we live in a time where believer argues with believer instead of encouraging them to find the answer, you are a fool to treat a fellow believer that way. Don’t Point out what you think is wrong when your own attitude gives the wrong perception of how you should be acting, yes it is not a game but you need to understand one who humbly guides is one who will be listened, a fool will not be…… What matters is Christ came and died for us, if we accept him we are saved, don’t spend your whole life arguing over Grey areas, don’t waste all your time coming with that mentality and forcing it upon another, don’t act like they did before Jesus came, it doesn’t mean you are more holy or know better, or I’m not aware of the God I serve. No, it simply means our mission is to save souls and guide their walk not criticize, you GUIDE, a fool rejects knowledge and correction, but be a good steward about it when you do so. Peace be with you.

    5. Edward Sandoval

      The wrists have three arteries Posterior, Medial, and Anterior Interosseous Arteries, times two wrists, plus the surface veins. People commit suicide by cutting their wrists, and Pilate marveled that Jesus died so soon (Mark 15:44) which means he was surprised that Jesus had died so soon because the crucified persons are to live on the cross a slow death as a living suffering example to others to not violate Roman law. The Palm Heal as a natural ring as if designed by God for crucifixion to serve as a fortified BONE GROMMET that does not have arteries or veins to bleed when punctured like does the wrist. The carpal tunnel is fortified with a strong tendinous tube around strong cords/tendons that move the fingers. And the grueling painful design is that the veins and arteries go around the carpal bones, but the strong medial NERVE is a flat ribbon that feeds the hand and travels over the center of the ring of 8 carpal bones…all of this fortifies the palm heel as the perfect design for the purpose of crucifixion. Jesus as a man was perfect that became sin according to the bible.

    6. There’s a reason it’s so important to know where Jesus was pierced by the nails, and that is based on prophecy. Based on human anatomy, there is not enough space in the human hand for a crucifixion nail to be driven through the hand without breaking a bone. But there is a boneless space in the wrist that would easily do this, and quick and easy research proves that Romans almost exclusively nailed through the wrists. The prophecy says “He shall be pierced without breaking a bone,” and it has always been construed as referring to His side being pierced without His legs being broken, but everyone forgets about the nails. He had to have been pierced through the wrists instead of the hands in order to fulfill this prophecy. I read somewhere that Romans nailed through the Achilles’ tendon for the feet in order to cause more pain, and it would certainly fall in line with prophecy, but there’s a reason why this debate is so important. If Jesus was nailed through the hands, He cannot be the Son of God because He fails to fulfill prophecy.
      The thing is, we have almost indisputable evidence from historians that ancient Romans never pierced through the hands. The question should now be refocused onto Jesus’ feet.

    7. The Shroud does not show pieced hands but wrists. The thumbs of both hands in the image of the Shroud are turned inward. Exactly what would happen if nails had pierced the wrists.

  2. I agree and feel that Christ was a special prisoner to the solders. I think they would have caused as much pain as possible.. for example they made a crown of thorns and made him carry his cross. With that said I have no doubt that they would have been willing to put nails in the hands for pain and then in the wrist to assure that he would stay up on the cross.
    Thanks for the article, keep up the good work.

    1. Love your answer. Humans love to make a great todo about nothing.

      1 Timothy 3 (NIV)
      He appeared in a body,
      was vindicated by the Spirit,
      was seen by abgels,
      was preached among nations,
      was believed on in the world,
      was taken up in glory.

    2. According to the Gospels even Romans soldiers started to have compassion for Jesus. Some of them might have even started to believe that in fact he was innocent. Pilate wanted to set him free and his soldiers must have heard his verdict. Some of these Roman soldiers started to feel compassion for Jesus. Jesus begs the Father to forgive them and even tells Pilate the ones who delivered him to the Romans have more sin. These soldiers heard about all these things. There is evidence of some Roman soldiers compassion for Jesus when they force Simon to help him with the cross, when they offered him vinegar to alleviate His pain and when they, scared and remorseful admitted Jesus was really the Son of God. To think that these soldiers were all evil to Jesus and treated him like just another criminal is wrong according to the Gospel narrative.
      When these soldiers saw total darkness coming in the middle of the day they knew this was not an ordinary man being crucified and started to feel nervous. God made these soldiers nail Jesus by his hands and God Almighty guided these hardcore men through their job without them even notice they were guided. Jesus’s crucifixion was special from the way they treat him and nailed him to the sign for his cause over his head. INRI

  3. The Bible says none of Jesus bones were broken in this whole ordeal in order to fulfill the prophesy referring to Jesus’ crucifixion by comparing him to the sacrificial lamb animal which was to be perfect and without blemish and its bones left unbroken. This is a foreshadowing of Jesus’ coming, crucifixion, suffering, and death.
    So… if none of his bones were broken… it is most logical to assume that in order to keep this prophecy this is how it went down:

    1. They hammered the nails/spikes INTO the flesh BETWEEN his finger bones and not into his heel of his palm or his wrist or into the finger bones.
    2. They also TIED HIM UP by the wrists and or arms in order to keep the nails/spikes from ripping through the flesh of his hand and him falling down off the cross.
    3. This WAS done this way intentionally to make him suffer and so the prophecy would be fulfilled and kept that NONE of his bones were broken, namely even the bones in his hands or wrists or palm.

    We know for a fact the Roman soldiers in charge of beating him, spitting and reviling him, and crucifying him HATED Jesus with a feirce passion because satan was in them and they did not believe. So of COURSE if they can flog him til he cant walk, beat up his face and strike him to where he is barely recognizable, AND spit and revile him and mock him and press a crown of thorns onto his head, of COURSE they would seek to make his crucifixion on his cross AS PAINFUL and as LONG DRAWN OUT as much as possible.

    Hence the tying of the rope or the fashioning of a step below his feet for him to stand on so they would pierce him through the hand breaking NONE of his bones as the prophecy said while also keeping him up there steadfast so the job would get done. They didnt CARE about his pain or suffering. They WANTED him to suffer.

    They didnt care about ANY of those criminals pains or sufferings as they hated them all but they especially hated JESUS the most. And the prophecy of no broken bones HAD to be fulfilled. To drive a nail through his palm, finger bones, or his wrist would cause the nail to be driven THROUGH his bones and possibly even to BREAK them in the process. So the nail had to go into the flesh BETWEEN the finger bones into his hand. This is the only way it could be done according to scripture.

    The Romans wouldnt “get it done as quickly as possible” and the fact that you state a question about them wanting him to suffer questioning it instead of KNOWING they DID want him to suffer greatly, shows just how much you know of the story of Jesus crucifixion, death, and punishment or rather just how LITTLE you know of it and what knowledge of it you are lacking.

    God bless. Read the story better and you will understand all I have said is truth.

    1. Friend, do you really think that those hateful Roman soldiers cared a whit abou helping keep a prophecy regarding their prisoner? I don’t think so.

  4. Pingback: 10 Misconceptions About Jesus: #5 –Jesus Was Pierced Through His Hands - How Africa

  5. The Bible clearly states that Jesus was pierced through the palms of His hands. Zech. 13:6; John 20:27; Luke24:39,40; Isaiah 49:14,15,16 are just a few proofs. Anything I am hearing so far is supposition and not backed up with It Is Written. The KJV is the only dependable source of information. Jesus is the word of God and everyone will find the truth written there. The writers were there and saw the event first hand. I will believe in the inspired word of God as directed by the Holy Spirit

    1. Not trying to debate with you, but the author made a point of talking about how the translations could mean hands, wrist, and forearm.
      I think it’s important we not get hung-up on what the English version of the Bible says (even if it repeats itself). We can believe the Bible is all true, but also understand it was originally written in a language that has a lot more a ambiguity than English does.
      As far as the KJV being the only reliable source, that is neither factually, intellectually, or historically true. And it’s honestly weird to think that way in 2016. It was written in Shakespeare’s time, and if anything is far LESS inclined to contain accurate interpretations of the original text. It’s certainly more traditional than the other versions. It also has a rich history and beautiful story behind its translation. But more RELIABLE? I think not.

      1. Your ignorance about the translation of the English versions of the Scriptures is telling to those who have actually made a serious study of it. It is sad when so many simply repeat things they have heard others say. Greek full of ambiguity more than English? The fact that the Authorized version was translated in Shakepear’s time is evidence to its reliability (humanly speaking). I seriously doubt we could assemble today a group of men who were even close to the skill and education of the men at Hampton Court. The Alexandian manuscripts used in modern translations are next to worthless. Some of them corrected and re-corrected as many as ten times by at least ten different hands. How is that for accuracy? Whole sections repeated. Sentences chopped off and begun again. Sinaticus was found in a stack of papers to be used to start fires. Seems like those folks knew the value of it better than modern scholars. Honest study by honest people will admit that the manuscripts behind the Authorized version ar far more reliable than those that back W& H. Whether or not ones believes that they are inspired is another issue, but the value of the manuscripts is (should not be) in question.

  6. This discussion is comical to say the least. The Romans NEVER crucified ANYONE by nailing their hands or their wrists. Do any of you even study history at all? They simply tied their arms to the posts. That’s it. Nailing someone by their hands or wrists would certainly not hold the body weight either. The account from the Gospel of John is fiction.

    1. Also keep in mind that the Romans did not crucify common criminals, especially in the case of Jesus where he had not even been convicted of breaking a Roman law. The Romans reserved crucifixion for those convicted of treason and crimes against the state, not common criminals.

    2. they actually did crucify in all sorts of ways. i believe it was arbitrary or depending on the victim and the reason for punishment. also they would do almost anything to the victim to hasten its death since they were to stay at the cross until the victim is dead. some examples: blows and stabs to the chest, breaking of the legs, spearing of the groins, setting up fire bellow the cross to asphyxiate the victim etc.

      but whats interesting is there have been thousands if not tens of thousands of crucifixions yet there is only one historical remain of such a thing. amazing.

      oh and you have to remember that the method and anything related to it was to indimidate and cause disgrace among the living, not to perse kill the victim.

      1. In response to JL, and Satrapu, Jehohanan’s body was discovered in 1968, subjected to a crucifixion by nails, still left in his feet. The only comical point is yours, JL. Have you heard of archeology? Do you even study at all? Gospel of John pure fiction? On what grounds? You need to visit the British Museum and stop pretending you are a historian, because you aren’t I’m afraid. Plenty of assumptions coming through though.

      2. In response to JL, and Satrapu, Jehohanan’s body was discovered in 1968, subjected to a crucifixion by nails, still left in his feet. The only comical point is yours, JL. Have you heard of archaeology? Do you even study at all? Gospel of John pure fiction? On what grounds? You need to visit the British Museum and stop pretending you are a historian, because you aren’t I’m afraid. Plenty of assumptions coming through though.

  7. One of the most interesting things is the bible clearly states that not a single bone was broken on Jesus. Not one! The hand has 27 bones and the foot is crazy with bones, too. If his hands were nailed according to tradition the bones in his hands would have been crushed and broken, and his feet. In both cases the tent nails would have had to be placed where no bones could break.

    This implies that, in both cases, hand and foot, the nails would be placed higher unless, of course, we nullify Scripture and argue that Christ’s bones were, indeed, actually broken.

    1. It would have been impossible to not break bones if a tent nail were driven through the palm of our Savior’s hands. Look at a picture of the bones in both a hand and a foot. Then look above the hand and foot at what we, in English, call the wrist and above what we call the ankle. Most likely Jesus was nailed to the stauros with his hands and feet spread apart and to the sides of the stauros, not at the front of it as most pictures depict.

      Psalm 34:20
      20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

      John 19:36King James Version (KJV)
      36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

      Exodus 12:46
      46 In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone thereof.

  8. It would have been impossible to not break bones if a tent nail were driven through the palm of our Savior’s hands. Look at a picture of the bones in both a hand and a foot. Then look above the hand and foot at what we, in English, call the wrist and above what we call the ankle. Most likely Jesus was nailed to the stauros with his hands and feet placed to the sides of the stauros, not in the front of it as most pictures depict.

    Psalm 34:20
    20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

    John 19:36King James Version (KJV)
    36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

    Exodus 12:46
    46 In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone thereof.

  9. It would have been impossible to not break bones if a tent nail were driven through the palm of our Savior’s hands. Look at a picture of the bones in both a hand and a foot. Then look above the hand and foot at what we, in English, call the wrist and above what we call the ankle. Most likely Jesus was nailed to the stauros with his hands and feet spread apart and to the sides of the stauros, not at the front of it as most pictures depict.

    Psalm 34:20
    20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

    John 19:36King James Version (KJV)
    36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

    Exodus 12:46
    46 In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone thereof.

    1. Take a close look at the hands. It is possible, but who would have used tent pegs? 2000 years ago. We can argue over who is right but does it matter? No it does not. What matters is how we live our lives today. God bless you all

  10. Pingback: Psalm 22 and the "Passion of Jesus" - DOR Scribe

  11. Assumptions can be dangerous in interpreting scriptures
    I think the writer need more of the Holy Spirit for further works
    The scripture simply put it that Jesus was nailed in the hands not the wrist and our emphasis should be on the sufferings of Jesus that brought us redemption

  12. I tend to agree with the points of the author in this regard, but who cares. There won’t be a quiz on speculative interpretation of the bible when we are standing before the Father one day. The ONLY thing that matters is our faith in Christ and that we acknowledged Him before our fellow man.
    Sure it is fun to discuss this kind of stuff (I rather enjoy it) however please don’t let stuff like this decide you… some of the comments on here are plain ungodly to be honest… Christ never wanted the church to have denominations and fractions, those are the result of people allowing non critical elements of our faith devide them. If we as Christians could just stop tearing each other apart over trivial things and actually functioned as one United body, we would be the most influential force on earth.
    Debate as friends is great, but make no mistake about it, when we allow these differences to devide us, we are falling prey to one of Satan’s longest running strategies.
    I’m sure I will offend some and cause fierce rebuttals, but first ask yourself, can you rebuttal what I have said WITHOUT proving what I said to be true?

  13. According to the Scriptures Jesus was nailed through his hands. We all know some anatomy, yes, but God’s plans are beyond anatomy and biology. God the Father made Jesus be crucified without losing any bone. That is why the Lord tells Thomas the skeptic that “a ghost doesn’t has flesh and bone like I have” (Luke 24:39). We need to be less skeptics, historians and scientists and let the Holy Spirit guide us through the Scriptures with regards to Jesus. Jesus’s life is beyond ordinary. He didn’t go by human assumptions but by a divine order. His birth was unique and miraculous and his death was too. He didn’t even die, he gave His spirit. He expired when he chose to expire. When everything was fulfilled. His crucifixion was unique, so unique that even Roman soldiers offered vinegar to alleviate his pain(Mathew 27:48) and the Centurion in charge said “This man was really the Son of God”(Mathew 27:54). The Shroud of Turin might not even be Jesus but someone else. It might even be a Middle Ages hoax. There is not account of miracles attributed to the shroud like the Holy image of Guadalupe in Mexico. If that shroud really was Jesus it would have been beyond comprehension the miracles it would have performed for us.
    The birth of Jesus was a miracle that did not affect His Mother. Mary didn’t experience pain because she was sinless and the curse or Eve did not apply to Her. She even took care of Jesus immediately after he was born Herself(Luke 2:7). Likewise, the crucifixion of Jesus was a miracle. Nailed by his hands without losing any bone or flesh. God made it possible just for him and for us. The others two condemned just experienced the ordinary fate of criminals. Note that Gesmas and Desmas might have been caught robbing Romans. They would have not been crucified just for robbing Jews.
    Good debate and read but Jesus and truth RULE forever!

  14. With a spike that big going threw the wrist you would hit the person’s artery hence he would bleed to death instead. The b
    Hand would be the safer way to keep them from bleeding out first

  15. Who cares! Jesus was considered a criminal by the ruling power. He broke the law on many occasions. The Romans were actually quite lenient at first. But they eventually had no choice but to kill him. We do this with mosquitoes when they annoy us. So because he broke the law he was simply hung on a cross like everyone else who broke the law at that time. That was the Roman form of capital punishment at the time. Today, we use various forms of capital punishment including firing squads, hanging, and lethal injection. They’re all means of achieving the same outcome, which is to kill you. Bottom line: who cares! Jesus was just a human being and the fact that he’s been dead for more than 2,000 years and still no sign of him should be enough for us all to move on! But instead we allow the disease of religion to persist and destroy what really matters. Which is your only chance to ever be alive! Amen

    1. Curacao – site 1 example of Jesus breaking the Law. You will not find it … but please, provide just 1 example.

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  18. In all practicality, take a look at a hand and wrist skeleton…set aside all preconceived notions and from a roman soldier’s standpoint, where would the best and easiest place to put a nail to keep that person nailed to a cross?

  19. Pingback: TownHall Columnists: A Quick Compelling Bible Study Vol. 30: What Jesus Said On The Cross - wlvrns!

  20. Pingback: What Jesus Said On The Cross - Indeki - Real News Network

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